It took us five years of hard work and constant lobbying to get him to reconsider.
He claimed the controversy stemmed from Craig James' constant lobbying for more playing time for his son, whom he characterized as lazy and feeling entitled.
Mount's primary dislike from the job arose from the constant lobbying of individuals for patronage jobs and party leaders' demands.
The South Indian Film Industry imposed a one year ban on him for his behaviour on set, but later the ban was lifted due to constant lobbying by Producer's associations.
And there's another one: Even if constant parental lobbying at school and hounding at home could possibly be as conflict-free and effective as they suggest, what would the results look like?
The UAW's constant lobbying against racist laws in the 1950s and 1960s were finally vindicated by the 1967 Australian refendum, where over 90% of Australians voted to give Australian Aborigines citizenship as well as equal rights under federal jurisdiction.
Apart from the constant lobbying against animal euthanasia laws, dog keepers and other stray dog-related actions, Cutu Cutu has five main projects it focuses upon; the titles mainly represent the aims of the projects:
The debt figure has soared because states and cities finance their deficits largely by borrowing from federal banks, and through constant lobbying and political horse-trading, they have been able to roll over most of their loans on favorable terms.
"The ads were completely ineffective," Rove wrote back, "and what won Voinovich's support was the constant lobbying and cajoling of his Senate colleagues, his Ohio constituents and the president of the United States."
We have noted his constant lobbying for the cause while in the United States, and he saw the 1889-90 conference as a magnificent opportunity to make his case.