Between 1934 and 1939, the Kut Barrage was constructed in the Tigris to control the water level of the river and to provide a constant inflow of water into the Shatt al-Hayy.
Riñihue Lake is the lowest of the Seven Lakes chain and receives a constant inflow from the Enco River.
Major roads are converted into one-way lanes to regulate the constant inflow of traffic and special police are brought in for the safety of the tourists and protection of local businesses.
Since its inception, the dam received almost constant inflow till 2000.
Without constant inflows of external wealth through territorial acquisitions or through raiding, royal power could be maintained only through granting out bits of the fisc, that is, of royal estates.
In open systems, where there is constant inflow and outflow of energy and elements, this final state is never reached, but the system always tends toward it.
A positive pressure enclosure works by providing a constant inflow of breathable atmosphere, which in turn causes gas to continuously leak out of the chamber.
Deeper water layers circulate counterclockwise, driven by the constant inflow from the Norwegian Sea along the Siberian shelf.
Since then there have been a small but constant inflow of family members, mainly spouses and also aged parents, on average an annual arrival of 1,100 persons.
Like all big families, to survive there must be a constant inflow of fresh blood and talent.