At 08:37 14th Jun 2011, Cheekymonkey wrote: You mention that all the baby birds need constant feeding but what about water?
But the stoop-cam is also a beast that needs constant feeding, perhaps more than even Sonic Uke can provide.
Image hunger is rather like a tapeworm: once it gets into the system, it demands constant feeding.
The insects would need to be collected as soon as possible due to the insect's high mobility and constant feeding.
He's a victim, dealing to pay for the crocodile in his head that needs constant feeding.
At the same time, the constant feeding is combating an undesirable result of bacterial growth.
-Some people think their dogs are totally worth constant feeding, walking and Frisbee throwing.
But the multiplex is a beast that needs constant feeding, and sometimes the meal has to be cheese.
His paunch sagged with the weight of constant feeding, and on his back sat a cowbird, heedless.
The roses do well, with constant feeding and watering.