The throbbing in his blood was a drumbeat, primitive, constant.
Certainly, it has been a constant drumbeat in all his work.
The rumbling of thunder was a constant drumbeat, with new claps coming one after another.
"There will be the constant drumbeat of worry over insider deals, fraud and abuse."
Professor Whitney kept squeezing the play for lessons - with ethics as the constant drumbeat.
I strained in the dark to listen, trying to ignore the constant drumbeats of my throbbing head.
Still, he sees the constant drumbeat for "shareholder value" as emblematic of a pattern.
The left has a constant drumbeat that this is Vietnam and a bottomless pit.
But the constant drumbeat about the fattening of America may already be having an effect.
Through the final days of the campaign, he struck a constant drumbeat: Douglas was soft on communism.