Despite constant denials by party leaders, DAP has been depicted by political opponents as a party that favors the Malaysian Chinese minority above others.
Despite his constant denials, he is suspected of being the man behind MC Honky, who released the album I Am the Messiah in 2003.
His constant denials that the police killed civilians in Kosovo infuriated the lead prosecutor, Geoffrey Nice.
And a sale is possible, according to analysts, despite constant denials from Mr. Clark: "It is not even being contemplated," he said in a recent interview.
And every activity in which he had engaged since then was a constant denial of that simple fact.
After almost eight years of constant denials and stonewalling, it is reassuring to see a politician admit to something potentially damaging.
Around two weeks ago, Sony was defending itself against constant denial of service attacks, and it seems the entirety of their online team was busy dealing with that threat.
"If one is in constant denial, there is no chance of recovery."
The customer ends up getting either fixed or worn down by the constant denials that speed is an issue by getting battered to death by the "up to" thing.
His primary instrument is, of course, his body, which twists, turns and bends to the commands of his eyes and face in a constant denial of his age.