Little thought went to students' feelings or self-esteem in regards to this constant correction (Russell, 2009).
Walking across a low wooden beam, for example, requires a constant correction of knee, hip and head alignment.
Without constant correction, she tended to fall inward, toward Castax and the ring of siege engines.
"It's constant correction with no acknowledgment of error whatsoever."
For any aircraft to fly without constant correction it must have directional stability in yaw.
My early production vehicle required nearly constant small corrections to keep the truck in line at highway speed.
On the highway, it wanders annoyingly and requires constant correction.
After a while, the river grew much broader, wide enough for the raft to float smoothly along without needing constant correction.
This is a constant correction throughout the year.
And I imagine that all these virtues were taught by affection and example, rather than by constant correction.