Thick clients have advantages in that a constant connection to the central server is often not required.
But the lure of a constant, high-speed connection for about $40 a month is pushing the demand.
Once hooked up, cable customers have a constant connection to the Internet.
Where in this system of constant connection is there time for real contact?
At one extreme, we see users with the ability to have constant social connection, unlimited access to information, and unprecedented buying power.
But if I'm going to play a single-player game, there's still no point to maintaining a constant connection to the servers other than control.
If anyone can nail needing constant connection to a server to play a game its going to be Blizzard.
We heard, for example, from a few users who said they were permanently disabled and needed to maintain a constant connection to the world.
Smartphones, telecommuting and constant connection to the Internet has left you tethered to your job.
The two anthropologists found that people with constant connections were often unaware of changes in their behavior.