Pack animals by nature, they prefer constant companionship to the comings and goings of our 90's life style.
Only once afterward in fifteen years was their constant companionship broken for more than a few days at a time.
Although once-divorced Lavigne, 25, loved her man's constant companionship, "she also lost respect for him because he hasn't done anything," the source explains.
They enjoy constant companionship and tend to remain in the presence of their owners.
For it may be that what undercuts stupidity's power is nothing more than acknowledging its constant companionship.
The family lived with the constant companionship of Federal marshals.
There is constant companionship and eventually, when the program is finally debugged, the machine really seems to 'understand'.
Their constant companionship seemed to be all play, yet was filled with constant learning, too.
Yet the countless days of constant companionship, forced to struggle together to survive, had an impact on Luz.
But to do so has necessitated your giving me your constant companionship.