He hopes that doing so will smooth whatever lies between them, and stop their constant bickering.
He ends up engaged to Chisami at the end despite their constant bickering.
Despite their constant bickering, they moved in together and later married, even though Karimkhani never divorced from her first husband.
A week of almost constant bickering made up his mind for him.
The source of the problem turns out to be the parents' constant bickering.
The fault was on both sides, and the reasons for their constant bickering aren't really important here.
This debate was widely reported because of the constant bickering between the three candidates, who often interrupted and talked over one another.
"But it is better than continuing to live with constant bickering."
The constant bickering between Maura and his mother was beginning to get on everyone's nerves.
The 1974 tour was also full of constant bickering, though they managed to finish it without interruption.