Some variations on the conspiracy story state that the name Serpo is the nickname of the extrasolar planet.
This conspiracy story is radically different from the official story.
The theorist may broadcast this small part of the full "conspiracy story" in the hope of receiving more information, and certainly to get feedback.
With its trite conspiracy story and cardboard characters, it fails to draw the player into its world.
Among them were newcomers who said they were looking for a different point of view, regulars who swapped conspiracy stories, and the curious.
When a visitor told him that his conspiracy story was too farfetched to be believed, he gave no sign of taking offense.
As with most contemporary conspiracy stories, the source of this one remains elusive.
He wove the strongest conspiracy story he could given the information he had.
Also, it would be helpful if the conspiracy story were more believable than the official story.
He said he had invented the conspiracy story to tell the police "what they wanted to hear."