She also said she never met any of the named participants in what prosecutors say was a conspiracy directed by Mr. Jackson.
As for Kreisky himself: he announced at the start his suspicion of the existence of a large conspiracy directed against him.
Liberals waged a conscious conspiracy directed from the White House, and then acted as if conservatives were part of a conspiracy.
Jonathan Drew is seemingly part of a conspiracy directed against Superman, and for as yet unknown reasons was responsible for the being known as Atlas' attack on Metropolis.
Smith, Heflin declared, was the tool of an international conspiracy directed by the Pope.
Returning to London, Matthews wrote two letters to Lord Liverpool, in which he accused the Home Secretary of treason and complained about conspiracies directed against his life.
Ross Perot's charges of Republican dirty tricks follow a long-established pattern of espousing elaborate, unproved conspiracies often directed against himself.
He becomes the leader of a conspiracy directed against Gratar and seeks the humans' assistance in doing this.
Prosecutors had theorized that the former Pentagon chief would lead them to a conspiracy directed from the Oval Office.
In mid-1835 he was president of the military tribunals that tried the leaders of the conspiracy directed from San Juan by Domingo de Oro.