This was no conspiracy buff; Macri had actually heard of this guy.
Hunt was falsely linked to the killing by conspiracy buffs, and this chapter can be read only as a twisted form of bitter revenge.
Oregon, by the way, is home to not a few militia members and black-helicopter conspiracy buffs.
Their verdict will not satisfy conspiracy buffs.
Nor was it due to the mysterious interpretations attributed her by many art historians and conspiracy buffs.
Other than masochistic conspiracy buffs, I cannot imagine a soul who will.
The only people happy about this situation were the local restaurateurs, innkeepers and conspiracy buffs, who could be heard spouting endless theories.
A panel of conspiracy buffs spent much of their time saying conspiracy-mongers can go too far.
Now you're the one who sounds like a conspiracy buff.
The book has been perceived by some to be true and the base has assumed something of a cult status among conspiracy buffs.