Bradfield Park on the northern side of the bridge also has hidden air intakes behind some conspicuously placed bushes.
Lawful fax advertising senders must include such an opt-out number, placed conspicuously somewhere on the first page of the fax broadcast.
Note: This model is often referred to as the gear coupled RF version due to the conspicuously placed gear next to the lens front element.
The units beg to be conspicuously placed in a high-end kitchen or breezeway.
Manu Narayan as Richard Roma, the slick, unscrupulous king of the conspicuously placed sales leader board, which never lets anyone forget who's on top.
Upon entering St. Johns there is a conspicuously placed sign in the traffic median.
He also "did a Voice of America interview from his office, where an American flag was placed conspicuously behind his desk for the cameras."
Obviously, somebody wanted us to keep pyramids in mind, because the pyramid symbol has been placed conspicuously upon items that we regularly handle or observe.
Magazines, facing an increasingly crowded marketplace, are more frequently bending to advertiser demands for more versatile and conspicuously placed advertising.
Placed conspicuously at the front door, the unit is supposed to give burglars pause and, not incidentally, add a high-technology look to the home.