Three weeks after that meeting, when the President announced his position on global warming, he conspicuously omitted any mention of restrictions on vehicles.
Yet the party's "Contract With America," a common platform for Republican Congressional candidates this year, conspicuously omits any mention of free trade.
It is no revelation that campaigns conspicuously omit things.
His statement conspicuously omitted the other two nominally independent homelands of Bophuthatswana and Ciskei, whose rulers have been at odds with the congress.
TELLING Americans about the outbreak of war, George Bush conspicuously omitted one word: oil.
He then repeated the condemnation, conspicuously omitting any criticism of the Mayor.
President Bush conspicuously omitted any money for the airline industry in his request this week for $74.5 billion to cover costs of the war against Iraq.
His remarks today conspicuously omitted the military threats that the Chinese government has made in the last two weeks.
The montage conspicuously omits the Soviet Union, implying that the aliens are a metaphor for communists.
Some official Communist versions of his life conspicuously omit altogether any mention of O'Higgins, such as the following: