Mars, especially at times of perihelial opposition, is a brilliant and conspicuous object, rising as the sun sets.
There is a minaret to the mosque which is a conspicuous object.
Not only did his habits run counter to it, but a blaster is an extremely conspicuous object on a bare thigh.
He knew that observers from the approaching plane would look for motion on the ground, or for conspicuous objects.
Even front twenty million miles away, Jupiter was already the most conspicuous object in the sky ahead.
But the most conspicuous object in this urbanscape is Union Station.
And conspicuous objects of questionable usefulness have been bangished from the Gonic kitchen as well.
The most conspicuous object currently on the hill is the base of a rectangular tower.
This year's conspicuous object seems to be the private jet.
Katherina is the most conspicuous object of education in the play.