Brazil is - their wish to consolidate peace, security, democracy, cooperation and growth in this region with social fairness.
Madam Secretary of State, as you probably know, important efforts have been made to consolidate peace and bring back security in our country.
The majority of Māori were keen to sign to consolidate peace and end the long inter-tribal Musket Wars 1807-1842.
Meanwhile, the government was reminded that it had to consolidate peace and security in the country.
Pedro de Ibarra managed to quell the fighting, kindness and intelligence in dealing with the natives and he was able to consolidate peace and progress.
In addition, they have helped not only to secure entire decades of increased prosperity for all citizens, but also to consolidate peace and friendship between the peoples of Europe.
Noone can doubt that Russia has a great deal of potential to play a decisive role in consolidating international security, stability, peace and a balanced international order.
Its work should consolidate peace and prevent the outbreak of new conflicts.
It still helps today to consolidate stability and peace in a region that is, effectively, our own front yard - not back yard, but front yard.
Consequently, the resolution does not help to address the problem and does not help to consolidate stability and peace in the area.