Izetbegović consistently promoted the idea of a multi-ethnic Bosnia under central control, which in the circumstances seemed a hopeless strategy.
What concerned me about this relationship was how Rich and his wife were consistently promoting and attacking the same plays, artists, institutions and theater leaders.
It aims to promote consistently high standards in the civil contingencies community, and explains how existing expectations and processes complement and integrate with each other.
It was one of the first organizations in San Francisco to consistently promote the work of video artists.
Adachi was active in organizing these mergers and changes, and consistently promoted a hard-line policy towards China.
Sorkin statistically showed that Muschamp had a favored circle of architects he consistently promoted.
We need a policy which consistently promotes green technologies and lifestyles in order to bring about a rapid reduction in the EU's dependence on finite resources.
The only way to secure minority rights is to consistently promote and defend individual human rights.
Consistently promote the culture of life, peace, active nonviolence and progressive disarmament.