Despite consistently fielding national championship contenders, Carroll's goal for USC every season is to win the Pac-10 Conference and go to the Rose Bowl.
The Rangers have failed to qualify for the playoffs a franchise-record seven consecutive seasons, despite consistently fielding record payrolls.
This contributed to Oyo's ability to consistently field a large force.
If midmajor programs like U.A.B. can consistently field junior- and senior-oriented teams, they have a chance at tournament upsets.
In the years 1979 to 1982, Cooper consistently fielded teams for UIL competitions that finished in the top of their subject areas, including Speech, Creative Writing, Orchestra, Math, Band, and Choir.
The Orange and Black consistently fielded strong teams that drew the attention of competitive clubs from neighboring Philadelphia, New Jersey and Delaware.
Anybody wonder how it was that Lamar and Hank would consistently field good teams.
After that season, the team remained the only school outside of the North Carolina "Big Four" - Duke, UNC, NC State, and Wake Forest - to consistently field competitive teams.
The team, which was also known as the Friars Athletic Association, consistently fielded good and noteworthy teams.
The two teams complement each other by consistently fielding strong defenses in their division.