He is 40 years old, has chronic back problems, and cannot consistently display his best stuff.
Green consistently displayed his faith in social measures, democracy, a strong national defense, and international cooperation.
One bite and you are reminded of the talent he consistently displayed at Town square.
"And have consistently displayed your contempt for this court and its authority."
First of all, your company logo has to remain consistently displayed in color, size, and the spacial relationships with the elements around it.
Also, antelope will consistently display a fear response to perceived predators, such as humans, making them very difficult to herd or handle.
However, the Losira replica had consistently displayed emotional responses, so perhaps it was the correct course of action.
Chesterton's writings consistently displayed wit and a sense of humour.
People who consistently display benignly eccentric behavior are labeled as "eccentrics".
While unscrupulous and ornery himself, Sam consistently displays an odd respect for religious conventions.