Pate was looking forward to a second chance, and he earned it with consistent play over the past two years.
This season, the Knicks have not been able to string together more than a week's worth of consistent play.
His consistent play saw him promoted to the under-18 team for the 2008-09 season.
The aluminum also allowed for consistent play off the wires and deck.
Despite his consistent play, she was told, he had still not been selected for the minor team.
He would post 26 points to go along with his consistent defensive play in the 1973-74 season for the North Stars.
Now we hope we can put some consistent play together and move forward.
I remember being a young player and trying to find consistent play, but for those guys, they have so much talent that it doesn't matter.
But without consistent play from the offensive line, Warner may spend too much time on his back.
New York will be looking for more consistent play.