Furthermore, the trial in Norway was conducted during a period of consistent decrease in the prevalence of smoking among young people in the country and while a comprehensive tobacco control programme was being introduced.
Rosin failed to mention that there was a consistent decrease and increase in crime from inner-cities to the inner-ring suburbs across most metropolitan areas due to shifting populations.
This unique partnership has seen a consistent decrease in the crime rate - and to date, since 2000, the CBD has experienced an astounding 85 percent decrease in crime.
The latest population projection predict consistent decrease in the population in Podlaskie Voivodeship.
There is any noticeable and consistent decrease in urine output.
During his tenure, there have been consistent decreases in nonviolent property crimes like car theft and burglary, according to figures from the State Division of Criminal Justice Services.
In the last several decades, glaciologists have observed consistent decreases in ice shelf extent through melt, calving, and complete disintegration of some shelves.
April March Due to the consistent decrease in radiation levels across the country associated with the Japanese nuclear incident, EPA will update this data summary page only when new data are posted.
In March 2009, broadband penetration in active Internet user US homes dropped to 93.13%, creating the second consistent decrease from its peak of 93.38% in January 2009.
Moreover, these figures also ignore the increase in total mileage: reducing them to a per-mile basis transforms an apparently distressing increase into a very marked and consistent decrease.