The staff consisted of the principal, Mr. Hodson, and three teachers; the enrollment totaled 175.
The administrative staff consists of the principal, four assistant principals, and two deans of students.
The school administration consists of the principal, Mr. Daniel Richards, and two assistant principals, Jim Brown and Carol Cohen.
Every Chicago public school has a Local School Council (LSC) which consists of parents, community members, teachers, and the principal of the school.
The newly formed councils consisted of the principal, two teachers, six parents, two community members, and a student representative on high school councils.
D'Evelyn is governed by a Steering Committee consisting of the principal, three teachers and four parents.
The government was notable for having a small War Cabinet consisting of only the principal and service ministers, with most other government positions serving outside the Cabinet.
He ordered new teams - consisting of the principal, the custodian and representatives of the teachers' union and parents - to tour each school to review the damage.
The school administration consists of the principal, Mr. Daeumer, two schedule and one guidance counselors, and the two secretaries (one of them in each "Haus").
The original school consisted of 4 rooms and the first principal was Mr. W. A. Wragg.