Burmese chronicles report that the Hanthawaddy forces consisted of 80,000 men, 800 horses and 200 elephants.
The first herd consisted of 33,000 cattle and 2,200 horses.
The Mounted Patrol Unit consists of four horses and six officers.
The field consists of ten horses, so not all seventeen contrade can take part in the Palio on any occasion.
In total ten troops of the regiment, consisting of 895 men and 775 horses were readied for service.
In 1905 the fort's population consisted of 146 soldiers, 10 officers, 61 mules, 19 horses and 36 sled dogs.
Equipment consisted of 2 horses, 117 bicycles, and 1 wagon.
Each race consisted of only two horses and they raced down the village streets and lanes.
The show consisted of 62 performers, 54 crew members, 8 horses and 27 geese, with 50 trucks involved in moving it from site to site.
The expedition was reported to have consisted of 300 men and 450 horses.