Since then, she has created more than 50 works for the company, which consists of nine dancers.
The group consists of 16 dancers who wear the drum and beat it to rhythms while dancing.
The Rondo company consists of 10 dancers (four men and six women, with seven in their first year with the group).
The company consists of 44 dancers; there are over 100 performances throughout the year.
Today, the main company consists of 18 dancers.
The Ensemble consists of 24 professional dancers and 5 musicians.
The group consists of 50 Ukrainian dancers in designated groups from 4 to 25 years of age.
It consists of 21 dancers (10 female, 11 male), with average ages between 17-23.
A blind date couple consists of two dancers from different universities.
The company currently consists of 9 dancers and 2 dance interns in addition to other artistic staff.