The event consists of a 2.4-mile ocean swim, a 112-mile bicycle race and a 26.2-mile run.
The event will take place on 17 June and will consist of a five-mile run and kids' races for ages 2 to 12.
Most likely, the series consisted of a then standard run of 26 half-hour episodes (plus repeats).
The semifinals consisted of a single run.
The course consisted of a 3.4-mile run around the park, an 18-mile bike race and a second 3.4-mile run.
This consists of a short run, the head first being raised and then bowed with the tail dipped simultaneously.
The event historically consisted of a 5k run, a tree wish, and a sapling, which participants could take home and plant.
The challenge consists of a cross-country run followed by an assault course.
For females it consists of flexed arm hang, crunches and a 3-mile run.
The competitions, both on Sunday, consist of a 1,500-meter swim, a 40-kilometer bicycle race and a 10-kilometer run.