Far be it from me to tell him that considerations of duty outweighed the vague promptings of a vision quest.
In addition, as in many democratic countries, political considerations often outweigh sound economic planning.
Their considerations outweighed others in the party, whose conservatism clashed with the pragmatic Ortiz.
But this reality has changed few minds, perhaps because political considerations outweigh humanitarian instincts until heart-wrenching, televised scenes become domestic prods to international action.
When a programmer complains about "politics," they mean-very precisely-any situation in which personal considerations outweigh technical considerations.
Congressional staff aides said military considerations had outweighed the trade aspects of the proposed sale.
These considerations outweigh the convenient divisibility of the number 360.
And diplomatic and political considerations often still outweigh economic factors when trade questions are decided.
In his public comments, the President seemed to lean slightly more toward those who argue that economic considerations outweigh the need to protect the owls.
Under these conditions, the tactical considerations outweighed the strategic need for action.