People involved in the case said the committee representing the unsecured creditors favored the sale of the shuttle to America West since it would bring a considerable premium.
"Many people have been trying to get in on the floor at the same time, and that pushed the share prices to considerable premiums."
In 2008, Graff purchased the Wittelsbach Diamond for £16.4 million, a considerable premium over the £9 million guide price.
In the early 1980's, he built up one chain, sold it at a considerable premium and was promptly fired by the new owner.
They have historically traded at a considerable premium to the market during booms - but not so this year.
However, the Blue Train is an exclusively 1st-class luxury service, on which a considerable premium is payable.
Stamps sell at a considerable premium if they are in this condition.
The offer represents a considerable premium over the recent stock price of Cyclops.
Such properties add a considerable premium to the price charged.
Analysts said that if Vodafone proceeded with a bid, it would be paying a considerable premium that some considered wildly excessive.