Within the group as a whole and within individual families, there were considerable fluctuations in fortune.
It projected average annual growth of 2 percent or less through 1990 but said considerable fluctuations are possible, depending on weather in the farm areas and other variables.
This fecundity means that the species can recover quickly after harsh winters and the population size is subject to considerable fluctuations.
As such, it is subject to considerable fluctuations due to local rainfall and snowmelt conditions, and may even dry up completely.
A combination of these features usually leads to considerable fluctuations in density.
There have always been considerable fluctuations between winter and summer services: before the War the daily winter turnout was an average of fifty trams.
There are considerable fluctuations in population size and a sudden increase may be due to the arrival of larvae that have originated elsewhere.
Not only did this affect the efficiency of the colonial forces, it also resulted in considerable fluctuations in troop numbers.
Population density varies seasonally and exhibits a considerable long-term fluctuation that shows typically three-year or five-year cycles.
Although Basilicata has never had a large population, there have nevertheless been quite considerable fluctuations in the demographic pattern of the region.