They are racist and they hate everything they consider unpatriotic.
American conservatives of the period used the term hippie as an insult toward young adults whom they considered unpatriotic, uninformed, and naive.
At least I'm in an office environment where I can say what I feel and not be considered un-American or unpatriotic.
Whereas it was considered unpatriotic to say that a month ago, it is no longer unpatriotic today.
Anything more than a five-minute shower is now considered unpatriotic.
They must make elaborate excuses because "I don't feel like it" would be considered unpatriotic and would not look good on the corporate resume.
Alfred Barr, director of the Museum of Modern Art, wanted to buy the work, but was concerned that it might be considered unpatriotic.
Will intra-military criticism be considered unpatriotic?
It used to be considered unpatriotic to believe in limiting our population.
Any expression of regard for Britain or the Royal family was considered deeply unpatriotic.