It is released when the fat is heated and has a distinct odor and flavor that is widely considered unpalatable to consumers.
Mr. Hodges's office refuses to discuss the report; politicians here say the last thing the governor wants is to be drawn into a discussion he considers politically unpalatable.
Fruit from early introductions were however, sour and sometimes considered unpalatable.
Bear hides are prized by hunters but the meat of a brown bear is generally considered unpalatable and hunters rarely eat it.
It represents an attempt to replace conventional bowel preparations, which are often considered unpalatable.
These thistles are not considered edible, unlike Cirsium, Arctium and Onopordum species; the leaves are considered unpalatable if not bitter.
And space in homeless shelters, now considered politically unpalatable, continues to shrink.
To the extent that the Administration has suggested any source of money, it has pointed to one that most Democrats in Congress consider politically unpalatable and economically dubious, a cut in the capital gains tax.
Raising the fare has been considered politically unpalatable by Gov. George E. Pataki, who faces re-election next year.
The Bells offer their numbers to others, but under terms that AT&T considers unpalatable.