And it is still considered the most terrifying experience of many people's lives.
Later, he married in 1967, which he considered the most rewarding experience of his life.
Consider the clinical experience of a colleague, a neurologist who ran a pain service at a university medical center.
Consider the experience of a small group of women in this shrimp-catching port on the central Pacific coast.
The house, Keenan admits, is a constant reminder of what he considers the most painful experience in his life.
Once the substitute, or surrogate, is considered the more acceptable experience, remarkable things occur.
In an interview given after the event, he considered the experience to be "inspirational".
Indian policy makers should consider the Chinese experience and adopt the policies necessary for a sustainable transportation system.
For a reality check, consider the experience of the American Dream park.
Consider the experience of the 41 members of the Germino family, who held their reunion here recently.