In addition, the judge carefully considered the concerns of members of the class who claimed they were not adequately covered by the class.
The Great Council qualified its endorsement of the bill by urging the government to consider the concerns raised by its opponents, including the Military.
I consider the practical concerns.
We are especially reluctant to recognize a privilege in an area where it appears that Congress has considered the relevant competing concerns but has not provided the privilege itself.
"We carefully considered the concerns of these residents," said Jennifer Givner, a spokeswoman for the Department of Buildings.
The decision said the town board failed to meet its obligation to "consider the environmental concerns raised by the entire project at the time of the rezoning application."
We need to look at society's expectations as a whole and at the same time to consider the concerns of rural communities.
I will now briefly consider the concerns about the revaluation of the euro.
I will carefully consider the main concerns expressed by the rapporteur and by Parliament in relation to the Green Paper.
Though the primary goal is safety, she said, planners will consider the concerns of communities near airports.