Even as they do so, they're also considering even more far-reaching talks on nuclear and conventional weapons.
The Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders met two years ago but failed to reach any agreement beyond promising to consider future talks.
Mexico took the first step last week by agreeing to consider free-trade talks with the United States.
It ought to consider such talks now.
Crow calls strikes where others consider talks.
Last year, the group denounced the broad-based Islamic Salvation Front for considering talks with the army-backed Government.
He refuses to even consider talks with them unless they first agree to all of his demands.
He also said Rover was considering talks on its Freight Rover division, but had not put the division up for sale.
Britain has said that it would not consider talks until the group lays down its weapons.
The biggest issue at the three-day conference was Israel's refusal to consider talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization.