If jalapeños or onions always get the better of you, consider skipping those items.
On the morning after the concert, Emily awoke with reluctance and considered skipping her ride this once.
He considers skipping school, but knows that it won't work because of the school attendance system.
When lunchtime came, Mollie seriously considered skipping the whole thing, but she didn't know where else to go.
Students who consider skipping the sessions are often threatened with severe consequences.
If you're after the highlights, consider skipping the lines with our recommended tours:
You may want to consider skipping parties or other events if there will be children attending who could be ill.
This "deal" may float your boat, but Ars suggests you consider skipping it.
If you get bad service at a restaurant, you might consider skipping the tip.
If jalapeños or onions always get you, consider skipping them.