Mr. Gardiner relied on this case as demonstrating that it was considered self-evident that the right to recovery arose directly from the unlawful exaction irrespective of whether any element of compulsion existed.
The right to seek therapy to change one's sexual adaptation is considered self-evident and inalienable.
It was considered self-evident that it was in the general national, indeed imperial, interest to move towards free labour.
In Bavarian sources, it was not generally referred to as a "Royal Bavarian" division, as this was considered self-evident, but outside Bavaria, this designation was used for it, and other Bavarian units, to distinguish them from similarly numbered Prussian units.
If he had kept on reading, as Pollitt did, he would have encountered reasoned arguments by philosophers and historians challenging each and every Freudian notion that he considers self-evident.
In a similar vein, Bihku Parekh says that 'James does not explore how the nation and the state are internally related such that the apparently strange idea of the nation-state was considered self-evident by many.'
Many of his ideas have been so influential as to now be considered self-evident.
Everyone seems to have an opinion on truths that were once considered self-evident.
Aviezer Ravitzky, a professor of Jewish thought at the Hebrew University and an associate of Mr. Leibowitz, said, "He was the raging prophet, confronting society with both moral and social courage, sometimes smashing truths, but forcing people to reconsider their world and everything they considered self-evident."
The indisputably non-violent nature of these games are often considered self-evident by members of both the non-violent gaming community and the gaming community at large.