But he did not consider reversing his decisions.
He said he would consider reversing his decision after the World Cup.
Economists and company executives say it is still too early to consider reversing any of those steps.
The latest evidence of price movements will delay any move by the Bundesbank to consider reversing its tight money policy and lower interest rates.
He has been telling companies they ought to consider reversing their years of work to make food look perfect.
It recommended that when imposing a split sentence, of county jail time and probation, judges consider reversing the usual sequence.
I considered reversing, but he was on me like a shark on a blood slick.
He said that the move unduly limited the United States' options and added that President Bush should consider reversing it.
I hope that the Commission will yet consider reversing this decision.
It also recommends that L.& H. consider reversing all its Korean revenue from 1999 and 2000.