"I an fascinated by things that might be considered repulsive or embarrassing."
Although the term originally referred to things considered repulsive, it has since acquired a more specifically sexual meaning.
Why should some arthropods be considered delicacies and others (those with the cleaner habits, generally) be considered repulsive?
Much of it would be considered immoral and repulsive to the average reader.
Because hair is considered so repulsive, most Mycogenians are repelled by its appearance and rare foreign visitors must wear skincaps at all times.
She has acne, and is considered unattractive and repulsive.
As a result, he also developed many of Ben's habits, which he considers utterly repulsive.
It was considered so repulsive by Queen Victoria that there are suggestions she actually allowed it to be stolen.
I'm fascinated with things that might be considered repulsive or embarrassing.