Even so, she concluded, "It feels to me as though the vast majority of people don't want to be considered racist."
Q. How should parents respond to something that they consider racist?
Is that considered racist, maybe not, but, it is a reality.
However, many of its characterizations would today be considered colonialist or racist.
If the generalizations he offers were applied to another group, of course, they would certainly be considered racist.
Any term that describes a particular race - such as white, black or Asian - could thus be considered racist.
The true test is whether the same comments made by a White person when applied to Black people would be considered racist.
Have we really reached the point here in America where lauding marriage and traditional family values is considered racist?
Almost the entire editorial staff of the magazine threatened to resign if material that they considered racist was published.
Their lyrics were rich on metaphors and elements which some consider racist.