They were first designed in the 1940s and have been considered practical but ugly.
What was once considered plain practical or occasionally hip has now been tainted by its new role as a messenger of death.
But he is looking for more intensive use than we would consider practical.
The companies have increasingly explored and developed communications links using many more frequencies than once were considered practical.
An alternative that he did consider practical was tightened government fiscal policy, based on using tax revenue to reduce the national debt.
Window film is also considered more effective and practical than stick-on blinds.
At the time, stainless steel was not considered practical; and only one BB-1 was built.
High-speed train lines are considered most practical between cities that are 150 to 500 miles apart.
Thus, the later thought should be scholarly considered authentic and practical.
Never built, this vessel would use repeated nuclear explosions to propel itself and was considered surprisingly practical.