You wouldn't stop to consider my reputation, a girl's reputation, oh no, that wouldn't matter!
That process provides more leeway to consider a business's reputation and factors beyond price.
His company supplies about five million pounds of shrimp a year, and he considers his company's reputation an important attribute.
"Well, the deal aside, then, I have to consider my reputation."
I guess serious newspapers also have to consider their reputation as reliable, quality news sources.
It had been a difficult decision, the editor said, considering his reputation and the selling power of his name.
You should also consider a debt management company's reputation fully before working with them.
You should also consider a company's reputation for handling claims quickly and whether it is financially solid.
"It was a stroke of genius to rename the hotel, considering its grim reputation in the past."
"It's surprising that this would happen with Larousse, considering its reputation."