The documents could be considered misleading because they failed to disclose Salomon's illegal bidding in the Treasury market.
The common English name "Jew's harp" may be considered controversial or potentially misleading, and is thus avoided by some speakers.
His poetry is also characterized by its rejection of metaphors, in that he prefers comparisons which he considered less misleading.
But the report was considered misleading because cool weather held down buying and an early Easter put most holiday shopping in March.
The "awards" mock marketers for advertisements that are considered misleading by a group of national consumer, environmental and health advocacy organizations.
One local jewelry firm hired him after the town newspaper published photographs of its building that the firm considered misleading.
The term "forced residents" is a contested term and could be considered misleading by others.
This could be considered misleading, as Mahāyāna considers these merely a preliminary, and not a core, teaching.
Many monodramas are intentionally comic; therefore that label might be considered misleading.
There are many other examples of mail that might be considered misleading.