Every four years, the committee considers executives, umpires and managers.
The Veterans Committee was meeting only in odd-number years to consider older major league players as well as managers, umpires, and executives.
But with his winning record, it had been unthinkable that the Mets' front office would consider changing managers until after the season.
Both men are considered strong managers with good financial acumen.
By a sizable margin, Republicans were considered better economic managers.
Traditionally, workers who are considered managers, high-level administrators or highly skilled professionals have been exempted from overtime coverage.
"It's an anomaly that we are considered managers and they are not," Professor Speisman said.
At the same time the Veterans Committee resumed meeting annually to consider executives, managers, umpires, and earlier major league players.
Meanwhile the Veterans Committee was meeting annually to consider executives, managers, umpires, and earlier major league players.
The Veterans Committee met in closed sessions to consider executives, managers, umpires, and earlier players.