Sisko was about to consider issuing a Red Alert when Ops reported back.
'Would you consider issuing the hand guns to the officers or having them available on the bridge?'
The public now has 60 days to comment on the proposed changes, and then the Federal Reserve will consider issuing a final rule, a spokeswoman said.
Council members said they would consider issuing a subpoena.
F.A.A. officials said it was too soon to consider issuing any emergency directives.
Finally, in the face of the President's actions, this Office asked the grand jury to consider issuing a subpoena to the President.
Criminal cases with an assumed perpetrator are sent to the public prosecutor, who will consider issuing an indictment.
The letter should also include a warning that you will consider issuing a county court claim if they do not pay by the date you give.
That's the way I picture it - ever consider issuing one "golden ticket" for your seminars?
If your employee's performance has not improved after the review, consider issuing an informal verbal warning.