The telephone system, which is run by an outside contractor, "is considered a little less intrusive than the bracelet," she said.
Along the way, they are taking up some of the questions scientists have considered intrusive when posed by philosophers.
That gives it an advantage over traditional advertising like television commercials, which many consumers consider intrusive or interruptive.
Avoid staring too much, as it can be considered intrusive.
It is also advisable to avoid staring, as it can be considered intrusive.
The boundary between them is not easily defined: what one person considers legitimate evangelizing, or witness-bearing, another may consider intrusive and improper.
Perfume is considered intrusive on elevators and subways and in offices.
He sometimes ignores questions he considers silly or intrusive.
"This may be considered intrusive and offensive to the public and will not help our public relations issues."
Modernism had fallen from favor with the general public, and some facilities were considered intrusive.