"VA-dch was predicated on information we've considered infallible," concluded the lawyer.
The book "attacked the rapid police investigation and trial, calling into question a justice system that many people then considered infallible."
Like the rest of his household, Ali is considered infallible and sinless.
The apparatus is considered so infallible according to Cooper that the hero knows once he is cleared by it, his life can immediately return to normal.
Its contents are, however, considered infallible under the ordinary magisterium.
As well as popes, ecumenical councils have made pronouncements that the Church considers infallible.
All teachings of the sacred magisterium are considered infallible in Catholic theology.
Its contents are, however, considered infallible under the ordinary magisterium, as this doctrine has been held consistently by the Church.
However, American precedent is not considered infallible.
Entre nous, my whistle was considered infallible.