The commission will continue to permit material it considers indecent to be broadcast during hours when children are least likely to be listening.
Which of these works of art would you consider indecent and disrespectful to a venerable institution?
Broadcasters are even more nervous about showing advertisements that might be considered indecent or offensive, because they could lose their license.
She's wearing way more than what most women of any age wear at the beach without being considered indecent.
Some people actually like art that the majority consider indecent, and they pay taxes.
During the Victorian era, for example, exposure of a woman's legs was considered indecent in much of the Western world.
An adult woman exposing her navel was also considered indecent in the West into the 1960s and 1970s.
Many people make such trade-offs, even when not engaging in relationships considered indecent.
In the early 20th century, exposure of male nipples was considered indecent at some beaches.