The civet is considered a delicacy in parts of China.
But the group is still considered a major player in large parts of the country, particularly in the mountainous eastern region that borders Pakistan.
The round goby is also considered invasive in parts of Europe.
The movie was a notable success in Japan but is considered an obscurity in other parts of the world.
It is considered a weed species in parts of the world, where it colonizes areas with disturbed soils.
These are also considered jokes that "everybody knows" in most parts of Japan.
Which is considered a sign of beauty in certain parts of the globe.
This problem was solved in a manner which would be considered quite unconventional in other parts of India.
The Asiatic dayflower is considered a weed both in areas where it was introduced and in certain parts of its native range.
The species is considered invasive in parts of the United States.