All Albacores ever made are considered identical for the purpose of racing, and can race together without a handicap.
The above two premises may be considered identical, but the first is a singular and the second is a categorical.
In this kind of projection, an agreement within 10 percent is considered virtually identical.
Because of its influence, the Ptolemaic system is sometimes considered identical with the geocentric model.
Numbers such as 02 and 2 are considered identical.
All instances of a stateless session bean should be considered identical by the client.
Given the sampling errors, these results can be considered identical.
Will the job opportunity on the original and refiled application not be considered identical if, for instance, the prevailing wage has changed?
If the two "forms" are to be considered identical, there are four living specimens left in the world.
An undirected graph has the property that and are considered identical.