People who did not work for companies were considered heretics, and those who failed to keep up with their business were looked down on.
"When we used to say these things, we were considered heretics," the party's new leader, Achille Occhetto, recalled.
The orthodox position was established at the council, and all who failed to adhere to it would thereafter be considered heretics.
It flies in the face of all we have accomplished, and adherents to that false doctrine are hereby considered heretics.
Apostates - Those who have renounced their faith and are considered traitors, heretics, and unbelievers.
The slaves say that they were considered heretics on account of their Catholicism and their rosaries were destroyed.
By the third century Indians were also considered heretics by the Christians who condemned their practices.
For ten years many churches had been destitute of sacraments, which they refused to receive from those they considered heretics.
Other similar terms levelled by fundamentalist Shia's to those who are considered heretics include yazeedi and wahhabi.
Some Christians continued to adhere to Jewish law, but they were few in number and often considered heretics by the Church.