Some consider it his best, or among his best, fiction.
Joseph is given more extensive attention in the Acts of Pilate, but that work is considered late fiction.
Because of this, it would be considered historical fiction.
Willis has stated that their co-authored novels are often considered young adult fiction.
The books are considered historical fiction, but the author always insisted they were descriptive of actual events in her life.
Though Wilder began writing the books as autobiographical recollections, they are considered historical fiction and have won a number of literary awards.
Works in which science and technology are a dominant theme, but based on current reality, may be considered mainstream fiction.
The film is considered historical fiction, as the characters are not necessarily based on actual tirailleurs who were killed.
The novel is not only considered science fiction, but also utopian and dystopian fiction.
The book is now generally considered "anthropologically inspired fiction".